We can supply clinker with the best quality And best prices all around the world, Our Target markets are ASia,Africa,Middle East,Europe ,China,USA, etc... WE can supply clinker for making OPC portland cement 42.5,cement 32.5,cement 52.5,cement 62.5 & for especiality cement.
- Sio2 20--23%
- Al2o3 3.5~5.0%
- Fe2o3 2.0--3.5%
- Cao 64% Mgo 4.7%
- So3 1%
- Loss on ignition 1%
- Insoluble residue 0.75%
- C3s 50~60%
- C2s 15~25%
- C3a 5~9%
- C4af 6~10%
- F. L 1.7%
- Initial 60min Final 270min
- 3 days 26mpa
- 28 days 54mpa